Mobile app Binary Decision

In today’s fast-paced society, sometimes the number of decisions that we must make, especially binary decisions, can seem overwhelming. Should I wear the red shirt or the blue shirt? Should I catch the 7:00 bus or the 7:30 bus? Should our company expand into new markets? Should I eat more of this cheese? Deciding can be practically impossible!

Enter the mobile app Binary Decision: today’s premier solution to choosing between two alternatives, now available for iPad (coming soon to iPhone and other platforms). With easy customization of semantics and appearance, one-tap deciding, and 24/7 social connectivity, there’s so much that you’ll soon wonder how you ever managed to make binary decisions the old-fashioned way!

Click here for more information and to download.


BinaryDecisionEXPERT is widely recognized as the industry leader in deciding between two alternatives.

When Binary Decision Technologies was founded in 2013 as an amusing side project, little did we know that it would grow to enjoy such success. Today, our flagship product, BinaryDecisionEXPERT, is widely recognized as the industry leader. When businesses need to decide between two alternatives, they know where to go.

  • Extensively configurable randomness. Customize to the needs of your business.
  • Advanced visualization capabilities. Pie, bar, and line charts with a single click.
  • Social connectivity. Share the results of your decisions by text, twitter, facebook, and more!
Download now!

Traffic Game

Binary Decision Technologies is officially releasing "Traffic Game", a program that lets you draw roads and intersections (or use provided samples), and simulate traffic flow on them using the Intelligent Driver Model. You can place individual cars at locations of your choice, or draw roads to/from "Entry/Exit" points, which generate a configurable level of traffic entering the system as well as provide points for simulated vehicles to exit the system.

  • Configurable road attributes. Double-click on a road segment to choose number of straight, right-turn, and left-turn lanes, and set shoulder widths.
  • Speed-based color coding. Vehicles are boxes whose colors represent their current speed.
  • View statistics. The average speed of vehicles currently in the system is graphed over time, with more statistics planned.
  • Complex intersections. Add any number of source-destination pairs to an intersection, assign priorities, choose traffic control devices, and more.
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